


\slide{The tokamak GOLEM contribution to the IAEA programme}
\im As a test bed for High Temperature Superconductors usage in the tokamak technology.
\im Probe measurement @ tokamak GOLEM.
\im ECRH assisted preionization.
\im {\bf Education}.
\bc Vojtech Svoboda on behalf of broad collaboration.\ec

\def\NuclFus{M. Gryaznevich Contribution to fusion research from IAEA coordinated research projects and joint experiments. Nucl. Fusion 55 (2015)}
\def\FusenEngDes13HTS{M. Gryaznevich Progress in application of high temperature superconductor in tokamak magnets. Fusion Engineering and Design 88 (2013)}


\slide{Basic characteristics}{
{\begin{itemize} \input{\GW/Tokamak/BasicCharacteristics/parameters/}\end{itemize} }}


\slide{HTS outcome}{
\im Bench tests, maximum current and quench studies were
conducted on tokamak GOLEM. 
\im Plasma operation with HTS coils was demonstrated. 
\im Damages of the tape were analyzed. 
Publications and Conference Contributions:
\im \NuclFus
\im \FusenEngDes13HTS
\im 39th EPS Stockholm 2012, 27th SOFT Liege 2012

\section{ECRH assisted preionization}
\slide{ECRH assisted preionization @ tokamak GOLEM outcome}{
\im MW driven preionization - reduction in the loop voltage
achieved for the plasma breakdown with respect to Electron
Gun preionization.
Publications and Conference Contributions:
\im \NuclFus
\im 41st EPS Berlin 2014.

\section{Probe measurement @ tokamak GOLEM}
\subsection{Tokamak plasma}
\subsection{MW plasma}
\slide{Probe measurements @ tokamak GOLEM outcome}{
\im Discharges on the GOLEM tokamak are quite reproducible => IV characteristics of a single Langmuir probe can be
recorded on shot – to shot basis
\im Temporal evolution of the plasma parameters is determined with a high temporal resolution (~10 us)
\im Surprisingly, the whole IV characteristics are very well fitted by the empirical analytical expression proposed by
\im Probe date are very well fitted by the empirical analytical expression proposed by
Azooz and the $T_e$ , $n_e$, $U_{pl}$ and the Electron Energy Distribution Function can be
\im Tokamak discharge – edge electron temperature ~ 10 eV, densities ~$10^{17}$ /m$^3$, Electron Energy Distribution
Function is Maxwellian
\im MW plasma used for breakdown: Electron temperature < 1 eV, plasma density ne ~ $10^{13}$ /m$^3$ after switching off the
MW power, plasma is confined in toroidal magnetic field for ~ tens of milliseconds, EEDF is Maxwellian
Publications and Conference Contributions:
\im 39th EPS Stockholm 2012, 42nd EPS Lisbon 2015.

\subsection{On-site controll}
\subsection{Remote controll}
\subsection{Tokamak hands-on}
\subsection{Bachelor \& Diploma thesis}
\subsection{Special events}

\slide{Education @ tokamak GOLEM outcome}{
\im Tokamak GOLEM have proven to be used as an (remote as well on-site controll and hands-on) educational device
Publications and Conference Contributions:
\im \NuclFus
\im V. Svoboda Remote operation of the GOLEM tokamak for Fusion Education. Submitted to Fusion Engineering and Design.
\im 39th EPS Stockholm 2012, 40th EPS Espoo 2013, 41st EPS Berlin 2014, 42nd EPS Lisbon 2015.

\im {\bf Leaders:} Jan Stockel, Mikhail Gryaznevich
\im {\bf Collaborators:}  , Gabriel Vondrasek, Gennadij Vorobljev
\im {\bf Students:} Ondrej Grover, Michal \& Tomas Odstrcilovi, Jindrich Kocman, Tomas Markovic, Lukas Matena
\im {\bf Institutions:} Fusenet, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Institute od Plasma Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Education, Czech Republic.

\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks] \frametitle{Presentations/publications}

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