

\def\slide#1#2#3{\begin{frame}[label=#1]\frametitle{#2} #3\end{frame}}
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\title{Golem tokamak for education and training}
\author{{\bf \underline{ Vojt\v{e}ch Svoboda}, Jan St\"ockel} for IBA 2011
\section{The GOLEM tokamak}
\section{Forecast 2010}

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Forecast IBA, September 2010}
\item September 2010: SOFT 2010 contribution.
\item Group of 3 high school students from the "Cesta k vede"  (Path to Science) 
project collaboration on the Golem tasks.
\item December 2010: GTE Global Tokamak Experiment (SUMTRAIC 2010 post action)
\item Spring 2011: Jindrich Kocman, FNSPE CTU Prague. Bachelor thesis 2009-2010. 
Plasma position stabilization studies on tokamak GOLEM. 
\item Excursions.
\item Practicum for seniors in the frame of University of third age II planned.
\section{Virtual Operation of the GOLEM tokamak}
\section{Forecast 2010}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Forecast IBA, October 2011}
\item Path to Science - cont. 
\item Bachelor and Diploma Thesis - cont.
\item Excursions - cont.
\item University of third age - cont.
\im The week of science - cont 2012.
\item SUMTRAIC - cont 2012.
\im \textbf{Automated Virtual Guide of the Tokamak}.
\im \textbf{Winter Remote Tokamak Physics School GOMTRAIC 2012.}
\begin{block}{Scientific projects?}
HTS ..

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Acknowledgement}
The financial support by FUSENET, MSM 6840770039, MSM 6840770014 and A1581 is acknowledged.
 \begin{block}{Special thanks to the GOLEM team (students, teachers, technicians)}
 Edita Bromova, Zdenek Cespiro, Ivan Duran, Vladimir Fuchs, Ondrej Grover, Pavel Hacek, Billy Huang, Igor Jex, Michal Kazda, Jindrich Kocman, Martin Kubic, Ondrej Kudlacek, Petr Liska, Tomas Markovic, Jan Mlynar, Michal Odstrcil, Tomas Odstrcil, Ondrej Pluhar, Gergo Pokol, Ondrej Sebek, Adam Sindlery, Michal Smid, Gabriel Vondrasek, Frantisek Zacek, and Jiri Zara. 
