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%       \frametitle{Outline}
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\title{Education and training  (\& PR)}
\author{Jan Mlyn\'a\v{r}, Vojt\v{e}ch Svoboda, et al. \\ for IBA 2016}
\slide{title}{Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering \\ CTU Prague}{\titlepage}

\def\plus{{\color{red}\bf +}}

\section{Curriculum "Physics and Technology of Thermonuclear Fusion"}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{News}
\item !! Doctoral study program !!
\item November 2015: FUSENET PhD event.
\item Application for Joint degree program submitted.
\item Application for PlasmaLab@CTU  program submitted.

\begin{frame} \frametitle{FTTF - 10 years}

\begin{frame} \frametitle{PhD event 2015}
\item 130 students.
\item Welcome team-building game and party.
\item Plenary talks and discussions.
\item Plenary oral presentations.
\item Poster sessions.
\item Excursions.
\item Boat cruise and Dinner, with Tokamak Music Experience.

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Submitted Project}
\begin{block}{Operational Programme Research, Development and Education}
International doctoral programme in high-temperature plasma and nuclear fusion.
$\approx$ 250 k\euro
\item  Joint doctoral degree with the Gent University.
Crossing fingers

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Submitted Project}
\begin{block}{Operational Programme Research, Development and Education}
High Temperature Plasma and Fusion Technology Laboratory
$\approx$ 1 M\euro
\item Paschen curve measurement.
\item Microwave discharge.
\item High temperature diagnostics tools.
\item Data acquisition systems.
\item Various laboratory tools.
\item Tokamak GOLEM support.
\item Sonoluminiscence
\item  ....
Crossing fingers

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Thomas Noel Todd lecture for FTTF students}
 How to build a tokamak.
To be continued .. 

\section{Tokamak GOLEM}

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Forecast 2015/2016}
\item The Night of Scientists II. \yes
\item Traditional TRAIning Courses: FUMTRAIC IV \yes, SCIWTRAIC VI \yes, HUNTRAIC V \yes (last week), SUMTRAIC@GOLEM VIII \no (SOFT), EMTRAIC@GOLEM III \yes.
\item Bachelor thesis \yes: Tatiana Okonechnikova - 3D model defended.
\item Diploma thesis IV cont \yes: Bo\v{r}ek Leitl - Bolometry.
\item papers in FUSENGDES,. \yes, AJP \no.. ?
\item IAEA TM (Prague) presentation \yes.
\item PhD event GOLEM presentation \yes.
\item \plus Training courses from Kiten, Grenoble, Belgrade, Kobenhaven

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Current status}
\item Vacuum problem (a hole in the vessel?). Historical copper shell prevents easy repair. REPAIRED!
\item 3rd version of the tokamak GOLEM 3D model (Tatiana Okonechnikova).
\item $=>$ Big plans :-) But lack of time :-(

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Forecast 2016/2017}
\item The Night of Scientists III (next Friday).  
\item Bachelor thesis ?
\item Diploma thesis IV cont.
\item papers in FUSENGDES, AJP .. ?
\item Training course from Belgrade II (next Thursday).
\item Training course for Turin University in consideration.


\begin{frame} \frametitle{GOLEM discharges for broad public}
\item Live.
\item As simple as possible. 
\item 3 parameters $B_t$, $E_t$, $p_H$.
\item Cooperation with the ITER PR.
\item ?? Every first Wednesday in the month
\item ?? 24 hours of operation
\item Web based application. First sketch ready.
\begin{block}{Welcome ..}
suggestion, comments, cooperation ...

\begin{frame} \frametitle{ITER DG, Mr. Bernard Bigot at the GOLEM \\ (Shot \#22185)}
 \begin{block}{Quotation from Czech Television Hydepark}
 \it I am very pleased with the GOLEM ...

\begin{frame} \frametitle{GOLEM promo for Albert II, Prince of Monaco \\ Shot \#22407 a few hours ago ..}
\includegraphics[width=0.88\textwidth]{DG_Prince_Sabina_1_small.jpg}\hspace{0.02\textwidth} \\
%  \begin{block}{So .. we can say :-)}
% \begin{description}
% \item[GOLEM:] First ever tokamak operated from the ITER site.
% \item[2016:] First tokamak plasma configured at the ITER site.
% \end{description}
% \end{block}

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Acknowledgement}
The financial support by FUSENET, MSM 6840770039, MSM 6840770014 and A1581, SGS SGS11/131/OHK4/2T/14 is acknowledged.
 \begin{block}{Special thanks to the GOLEM team (students, teachers, technicians)}
 Edita Bromova, Zdenek Cespiro, Ivan Duran, Vladimir Fuchs, {\bf Ondrej Grover}, Igor Jex, 
 Jindrich Kocman, {\bf Tomas Markovic} {\bf Michal Odstrcil}, Tomas Odstrcil, Gergo Pokol,  {\bf Gabriel Vondrasek}, 
 Frantisek Zacek. 

