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\title{Mari\'{a}nsk\'a 2014}
\author{Vojt\v{e}ch Svoboda }
\slide{title}{Golem 2013 - from \#10658 to \#13807}{


\begin{frame} \frametitle{The smallest \& oldest operational tokamak with the biggest control room in the world}

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Technological achievements}
 \begin{block}{Reconstruction: from kludge to normal operation design}
HW, control and web presentation SW (python), database oriented analysis (SQL), WIKI (gitit).
 \item Vertical stabilization.
 \item Plasma breakdown with 2.45 GHz MW launcher.
 \item Bottom and top preionization gunn instalation (breakdown studies).
 \item Both $E_{CD}$ orientation.
 \item Both $B_{t}$ orientation.

\section{Inventory 2013}

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Forecast IBA, October 2012}
\item 10/12 Remote practica from Budapest II. .. OK
\item 10/12 Remote demonstration from Trieste IAEA workshop. .. OK
\item Bachelor and Diploma Thesis - cont. ... OK
\item Excursions - cont. .. OK
\item University of third age - cont. ... Finished
\item The week of science - cont.  ... OK
\item GOMTRAIC II - spring 2013.  ... OK
\item SUMTRAIC 2013- cont.  ... OK
\item FUMTRAIC II - Feb. 2013. ... OK
\item Remote practica. 
\item HTS (temporary slowed down), RF preionization .. OK, magnetic phenomena .. OK, probes measurements .. OK.

\slide{}{Feb.: \title}{
\descr{\it \quotI }

\begin{frame} \frametitle{March: J. Kocman et al.: Vertical plasma stabilization}
  \small 4 Mirnov coils at poloidal angles.
  Computer with real-time OS for calculating the plasma position with a frequency of 50 kHz.
  Voltage source driven by the computer controls a current in a poloidal coils.
  The prolongation of the plasma life was over 2~ms. 

\begin{frame} \frametitle{April: Vorobyev et al.: Breakdown otimization with the 2.45 GHz MW launcher}

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Spring: GOMTRAIC 2013 - flagship of the FUSENET project}
\item In-situ (PERFECT) and remote (NOT SO GOOD) part.
\item 7 foreign students.
\item 5 Czech students (remote and in-situ) and 1 Hungarian student {\bf as tasks supervisors}.
\item MHD, Tomography, HXR, Rake probe.
\item Remote shots from Costa Rica, Mexico and India.

\slide{}{July: EPS Stockholm - Poster presentation "The tokamak GOLEM for fusion education - chapter 4"}

\slide{}{June: \title}{
\descrI{\it \small \quotI }

\slide{}{Sept.: Prague Museum Night}{

\nic{\slide{}{Sept.: end of FUSENET project (EU Money)}{
 \item Personel: 27139.6 EUR
 \item Durable equipments: 15351.3 EUR
 \item Low value equipments: 22880.2 EUR
 \item Consumables: 1165.0 EUR
 \item Travel: 8377.8 EUR
 \item ===================
 \item {\bf Sum: 82405.4 EUR }

\slide{}{Sept: Fusenet final brochure - GOLEM page}

\slide{}{October: M. Gryaznevich et al: Progress in application of high temperature superconductor in tokamak magnets}

\slide{}{October: T. Markovic et al: Evaluation of applicability of 2D iron core model for two-limb configuration of GOLEM}

\slide{}{Nov.: Joint Experiment}{
 \item MW preionization
 \item RF plasma
 \item Hall probes feasibility studies in the ICRH presence

\slide{}{Nov.: MW preionization - pulsed regime }{

\slide{}{Nov.: RF plasma }{

\slide{}{Nov.: MW preionization: Sustained Breakdown Conditions}{

\slide{}{Nov: T. Odstrcil et al.: Blind spectral unmixing and ion lines clustering of low resolution spectra based on non-negative matrix decomposition.}

\slide{}{Nov.: $B_t$ \& $E_t$ orientation}{

\slide{}{Autumn: Junior Tech University (Lucie a Matyas \& TMarkovic) }{
  Array of 16 Mirnov coils has been instaled.
  Magnetic islands detected at low $q$ regime of tokamak
  $m = 3$ magnetic island -- shown by cross-correlation analysis of $14 - 15$ ms interval
  \textit{Spectrogram of B$_\theta$ perturbations detected by a Mirnov
coil located on $\theta=\pi/2$}, \textit{Cross-correlation coefficients of B$_\theta$ perturbation signal on an array of 16 Mirnov coils. Reference coil chosen on $\theta=\pi/2$}

\slide{}{Autumn:CT:D - Lovci z\'ahad: Slunce na Zemi 12.1.2014, 17:40}{

\slide{}{Dec: Borek Leitl: Bolometry chip installed}{

\slide{}{GOLEM party \#1}{}

\section{Plans 2014}

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Forecast 2013/2014}
\item 5 high school students in the GOLEM team.
\item Bachelor thesis IV., V., VI., VII.
\item Diploma thesis II.
\item Feb: FUSENET part II kick-off @ Barcelona
\item IRP 2014: 1.75 MKc.

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Technological \& Scientific horizons}
\item Poloidal SOL asymetries (Richard Duban)
\item ?? HTS ?? (Tereza Ruzickova) !IAEA!
\item Plasma stabilization (Jindra Kocman)
\item Bolometry (Borek Leitl)
\item HW, SW, Wiki reconstruction cont. 
 \item Breakdown optimization cont.
 \item Plasma time length prolongation from 20 to 30 ms
 \item Firing rate $\approx$ 1 RPM.

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Plans: Poloidal asymmmetries in particle flux in the SOL (R.Pitts Journal of Nuclear Materials, 1990.)}
\GWincludegraphics{width=\textwidth, angle=-90}{Experiments/PoloidalSOLasymetries/gallery/Front.JPG}

\slide{}{Bachelor thesis}{
 \item Bolometry studies (Borek Leitl)
 \item 3D virtual model (Martin Matusu)
 \item Poloidal SOL asymetries (Richard Duban)
 \item Probe studies (Jakub Veverka)

\slide{}{Diploma thesis}{
 \item Real-time feedback stabilization (Jindra Kocman)

\slide{}{FTTF practica}{
 \item UV preionization (Martina Zakova)
 \item Tomography (Viktor Loffelmann)
 \item Data mining (Jan Ulicny)
 \item HXR studies (Ondrej Ficker)
 \item MHD activity (Matus Cvengr)

\nic{\slide{}{IRP 2014 - 1.75 Mkc}{
\item {\bf (270 kKc)} Kondenzatory pro $B_t$
\item {\bf (45 kKc)} Kondenzatory pro $E_t$
\item {\bf (290 kKc)} Ridici jednotky $B_t$ \& $E_t$
\item {\bf (350 kKc)} 32 novych kanalu NI
\item {\bf (450 kKc)} Druhy system TMP cerpani
\item {\bf (75 kKc)} Systém bleskoveho dopousteni pracovniho plynu
\item {\bf (95 kKc)} 12 kanalovy diagnosticky system PAPOUCH
\item {\bf (150 kKc)} System aktivniho pozarniho haseni

\slide{}{FUSENET II}{
 \item FUSENET !cont.!
 \item Barcelona: kick-off



\begin{frame} \frametitle{Acknowledgement}
The financial support by FUSENET, MSM 6840770039, MSM 6840770014 and A1581, SGS SGS11/131/OHK4/2T/14 is acknowledged.
 \begin{block}{Special thanks to the GOLEM team (students, teachers, technicians)}
 Edita Bromova, Zdenek Cespiro, Ivan Duran, {\bf Ondrej Grover}, Igor Jex, 
 Jindrich Kocman, {\bf Tomas Markovic}, 
 {\bf Michal Odstrcil}, Tomas Odstrcil, Ondrej Pluhar, Gergo Pokol, Tereza Ruzickova, {\bf Jan Stockel}, {\bf Gabriel Vondrasek}, 
 Ondrej Vrba, Frantisek Zacek, and Jiri Zara. 

