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\title{Mari\'{a}nsk\'a 2016}
\author{Vojt\v{e}ch Svoboda }
\slide{title}{Golem \#8 2014 - from \#13808 to \#18130 \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 2015 - from \#18130 to \#20410}{

\def\plus{{\color{red}\bf +}}

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Forecast 2014/2015 \ding{217} Inventory}
\item The night of scientists I \yes.  
\item Training courses: FUMTRAIC IV \no{administrative problems}, GOMTRAIC III (hopefully) \no{no free energy}, SCIWTRAIC V \yes, HUNTRAIC IV \yes, SUMTRAIC@GOLEM VII \yes. \plus EMTRAIC@GOLEM II \yes.
\item Remote demos: Padova, TU Denmark, Ahmedabad, Poland. 
\item IAEA joint experiment \yes. 
\item Bachelor thesis ? \plusminus .
\item Diploma thesis II completed \yes \plus III completed.
\item Papers:  FUSENGDES  2x \yes, AJP .. ?  \no{no free energy} \plus NF \yes .
\item \plus IAEA TM (Ahmedabad) presentation.
\item \plus Practicum for bachelor level students.
\item IAEA TM (Prague) presentation \yes .
\item PhD event GOLEM presentation \yes.

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Dominant "problems"}
\item SUJB
\item Vacuum leakage
\item PhD event

\section{Vacuum Leakage}
\gslide{Toroidal scan}{1}{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/LeakDetection/Report/ToroidalScan.jpg}
\gslide{The hole to shelter}{1}{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/LeakDetection/PhotoGallery/0116Kozuch/DSCN0348.JPG}
\gslide{JV port scan}{1}{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/LeakDetection/Report/JVportScan.jpg}
\gslide{Suspicious place}{1}{Tokamak/VacuumVessel/LeakDetection/Report/PodezrelaSpara_w.jpg}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{01/16 - Dow corning 736 application }

\section{AP: Tomography - Viktor Loffelmann}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Tomography}
  \item Tomography is being calculated from the images captured by two fast cameras
  \item A new algorithm using the Tikhonov regularization has been developed; No assumption about the magnetic flux surfaces is made
  \item The reconstructions show a hollow profile during the main phase of the discharge
  \item The reflections from the walls seem to be the main source of artifacts

\section{AP: HXR - Ondrej Ficker + Peter Svihra}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Runaway electrons - outvessel}
	\item A new NaI(Tl) scintillation detector with a photomultiplier tube was installed
	\item Kruskal-Bernstein criterion used for estimating the RE generation rate
	\item RE generation observed during the breakdown phase as well as during position instabilities
	\item Plasma recreation observed after the loss of RE (probably due to secondary electrons)
  %Left: \textit{A shot with RE creation during breakdown (\#18970)}. Right: \textit{A shot with RE occuring during a position instability (\#18850); Plasma recreation can be observed.}

%\gslide{Runaway electrons - outvessel}{1}{Presentations/42nd_EPS_Lisbon_2015/private/poster/obrazky/runaway.png} 
\gslide{Runaway electrons - invessel}{0.5}{PhotoGallery/StudentsInAction/15_PetSv/DSCN0339.JPG}

\section{DT: Density measurements - Luk\'a\v s Mat\v ena}
\gslide{Interferometer Scheme}{1}{Students/LukMat/private/DP/castor_scheme.png}
\gslide{Photo of the interferometer}{1}{Students/LukMat/private/DP/final.jpg}
\gslide{Dispersion line}{0.5}{Students/LukMat/private/DP/dispersion_line.jpg}
\gslide{Text book plasma \#12529}{0.8}{ShowRooms/PlasmaPerformance/TextBookPlasma/12529/basdiag.pdf}

\section{DT: Feedback Stabilization - Jind\v rich Kocman}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Pre-defined waveform - off-line stabilization}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Feedback coefficient waveform - on-line stabilization}
\gslide{Web control room -level2}{0.9}{Infrastructure/Stabilization/Showroom/15JK/webControlRoom.png}

\section{Probe measurements in MW plasma}
\begin{frame} \frametitle{Microwave plasma investigation}
\GWincludegraphics{width=0.8\textwidth}{Infrastructure/Preionization/Microwave/Figures/Setup/MWlauncherElGuns.png} \\ $B_{RES}=2\pi f_M\frac{m_e}{e}$, $f_M=2.45$ GHz\\  
\gslide{Sustainde breakdown conditions (for "ever")}{1}{ShowRooms/Experiments/RF_plasma/MWpreionization.png}
\gslide{Experimental setup}{0.6}{Experiments/EdgePlasmaPhysics/ParticleFlux/RakeProbe/1114ShotToShotMeasurement/Reports/latexrsrcs/setup/expsetup.png}

\section{3D model \#3 (Tatiana Okonechnikova)}

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Highlight 2014/2015 - HANDS ON TOKAMAK (Bachelor level students)}

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Production}
\item SUJB


\gslide{Remote from Grenoble}{1}{PhotoGallery/TrainingCourses/1115Grenoble.jpg}
\gslide{Remote from Belgrade}{1}{PhotoGallery/TrainingCourses/1015Belgrade.jpg}
\gslide{Remote from Kobenhavn}{1}{PhotoGallery/TrainingCourses/0116Kobenhavn.JPG}
\gslide{Remote from Eindhoven}{1}{PhotoGallery/TrainingCourses/0116Eindhoven.jpg}
\gslide{R.J.E.Jaspers letter}{1}{History/GOLEMchronicle/2015/12EindhovenJasper.pdf}
\gslide{prof. Moos}{1}{PhotoGallery/private/VIPpanel/TheWALL/Moos_Vrana_2015-11-25_12-49-44.jpg}
\gslide{prof. Sedlák}{1}{PhotoGallery/private/VIPpanel/TheWALL/Sedlak_Vrana_2015-12-15_15-24-50.jpg}


\begin{frame} \frametitle{Forecast 2016}
\item The Night of Scientists III.  
\item GOMTRAIC ?? (3 days)
\item Bachelor thesis ?
\item Diploma thesis IV cont.
\item papers in FUSENGDES, AJP .. ?
\item AP: MartinM, MatusC, OndraG, KatkaJ, PeterS, MiroslavS, RichardD, AdamS, BorL, JakV, VojtM \ding{217} Marianska 2017.

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Summary}
It is a student's project.
  \item Electron density measurement achieved!
\item Stabilization (on the horizon)!
\item Education \yes, Science \plusminus
\item Vacuum problem (a hole in the vessel?). Historical copper shell prevents easy repair.
\item New (HTS support?) vessel in consideration.

\begin{frame} \frametitle{43$^th$ EPS @ ?? (Belgie??)}
 \begin{block}{KDO CHCE JECT? Za penize z SGS}
Nabídka pro nejproduktivnějšího.
Fee: Abstrakt (02), Poster (07), Sborn\'\i k (06)   

\begin{frame} \frametitle{Acknowledgement}
The financial support by FUSENET, MSM 6840770039, MSM 6840770014 and A1581, SGS SGS11/131/OHK4/2T/14 is acknowledged.
 \begin{block}{Special thanks to the GOLEM team (students, teachers, technicians)}
 {\bf Ondrej Grover}, 
 Jindrich Kocman, Lukas Matena, {\bf Michal Odstrcil}, Tomas Odstrcil, {\bf Honza Stockel},  {\bf Gabriel Vondrasek}, 
 Frantisek Zacek. 

\gslide{Thank you for your attention}{0.5}{ShowRooms/Smiles/15Vanoce.JPG}

