



\title{Scientific and education activities on the GOLEM tokamak in the framework of the IAEA CRP}
\date{Czech Technical University in Prague \\ \today}
\author{Vojt\v{e}ch Svoboda }
\slide{1$^{st}$ Research Coordination Meeting CRP, Vienna}{


\section{The GOLEM tokamak research (recent issues)}{
\subsection{Runaway studies}
\subsection{Edge plasma studies using probes}

\IOsection{The GOLEM tokamak education activities}{
\subsection{Hands on experiments}
\subsection{Remote experiments}

\IOsection{The GOLEM tokamak for IAEA CRP}{

\slide{Summary and the tokamak GOLEM possible networking \\ (on-site as well remotely)}{
\im Research and Technology development
\im {\bf Electrostatic probes} - Jan Stockel (Czech), Tsviatko Popov (Bulgaria) - advanced diagnostics instrumentation, + ? biasing experiments (STOR-M)  + izotopic studies ? + Pakistan, Slovenia
\im {\bf Runaway studies} - Jan Stockel (Czech) + Pravesh Dhyani (India postdoc) + ?? Iran IR-T1 (runaway probe) ?? + ??
\im Preionization - Microwave (and ultraviolet welcome as well) preionization (Russia) + Plasma gun (China).
\im MHD activities - ? China ? + Juan I.M. Colepicolo from Costa Rica +  ??
\im Liquid metal divertors tests - Jan Stockel (Czech) + (Horizon)
\im General collaboration on various scientific and technology issues with similar tokamaks.
\im Education:
\im Remote training courses - IAEA CRP participants welcome.
\im {\bf On-site training courses GOMTRAIC}- IAEA CRP priority (open for application).
\im IAEA CRP JE ?? In principle yes. But ...

