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\title{The tokamak GOLEM practical training course GOMTRAIC 2013}
\author{An application to the FUSENET WP7 programme \\"Further use of the hardware that was set up with FUSENET financial support" \\

The GOLEM tokamak at the Czech Technical University in Prague (former CASTOR) became a 
training facility for local as well as for foreign students. A unique feature of this tokamak 
is the possibility of a full remote participation and control through internet access. 
Basic remote control of any planned experiment is possible either in the online mode via WWW or 
SSH interface or in the offline mode with the batch processing code, allowing to adjust the 
necessary discharge parameters and to run the discharge. 
The remote participation of several foreign universities in 
Hungary, Belgium, Poland, France and Costa Rica was successfully performed and is 
documented on the web page of the department of physics (  
The aim of the proposal is to organize the GOMTRAIC 2013 course.


\section*{Contact data of person responsible for the application }
Vojtech Svoboda, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Enginnering, Czech Technical University in Prague (FNSPE CTU Prague), Brehova 7, CZ 115 19, Prague 1, Czech Republic. Email:, tel: +420\ 2243 58�296, fax: +420\ 22232 0861 

\section*{GOMTRAIC ..}
... stands for GOlem reMote TRAIning Course and is offered by the Faculty of Nuclear
Sciences and Physical Engineering, at the Czech Technical University in Prague. The faculty's
small tokamak Golem can be fully operated remotely via the internet. It has been used for many
face�to�face experimental fusion summer schools over the past years, and now the faculty is using
this experience to pioneer a remote training course. GOMTRAIC aims at Masters and PhD students
with an interest in experimental tokamak physics.  Within three months, they learn how to conduct 
tokamak experiments and how to operate the diagnostic systems that measure the plasma.
The first course started in March 2012 and was advertised through personal contacts and through
FUSENET, a European fusion education network. Almost fifty participants registered from all over
the world, including India, Croatia, UK, South Korea, Romania, Holland, USA, Hungary, Ukraine, 
Italy, Mexico,  Belgium, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Bulgaria and Czech republic, 
altogether 17  countries from 3 continents. They were split into nine groups and 
each student was assigned to one task according to
his or her preference and was guided by an experienced supervisor. A remote kick�off meeting
introduced the participants to technical aspects of the measurements. An internet �based GOLEM
simulator programme helped them learn about the operation of the machine. Although the group
never met in person, they communicated via email and videoconference to jointly design the
experiments. They met in the virtual control room to perform the plasma measurements, evaluate
the data and present a report on their experimental results. The performed discharges were
displayed on the website from where the students could download their experimental data.

Frankly saying, this event was not absolutely successful because it coincidence with the examination 
time at universities and students could not concentrate fully for this event.

\section*{GOMTRAIC 2013}
The second year of the course is going to be enriched with the kick-off in-situ week meeting in Prague, that will certainly help to 
increase the impact of event. The main goals of the meeting are as follows:
\item To learn basic principles of tokamak operation. 
\item To learn basic instrumentation related to tokamak operation and diagnostics. 
\item To provide working experience with an integrated tokamak facility, including planning, tokamak control, data acquisition and processing, finalization and presentation of experimental results.
\item To provide experience with modern data processing methods, commonly used in today's fusion plasma experiments, in real-life situations.
\item To perform several well defined physics experiments addressing basic plasma phenomena occurring in high temperature tokamak plasmas.�                                                                                           
Then the second part of the GOMTRAIC course will be carried on in remote mode, where students will have opportunity
to continue with their projects started in the kick-off week.

\section*{Basic data}
\item[Planned start of the event: ] February.
\item[Level of the practicum:]  M.Sc. and Ph.D.
\item[Number of participants:] up to 20 students. 
\item[Special condition:] students will be from at least 3 different foreign universities.

%\section*{Estimated budget}
%\item 5 kEUR for the accommodation of the students and small consumables supporting the tokamak GOLEM operation.
%\item 1 ppm for the preparation and running of the course, as well as a final report on the 
%use with recommendations.  
