
\def\title{SUMTRAIC, Prague Summer Training Course}
Introductory session, more then 120 discharges performed by 17 students from 7 European
\href{}{Final presentation}
\item \href{}{Morning session}
\item \href{}{Afternoon session}
\textit{Dear GOLEM team, let me congratulate you to the first plasma in GOLEM achieved in the frame of the
Summer Training Course 2009. This success is a result of your enormous effort to put the GOLEM tokamak
in operation during the period of about one year. I can confirm that the participants (students
and supervisors) found the experiments performed yesterday extreemly interesting and enjoyed them very
much.}\flushright{On behalf of the old CASTOR and new COMPASS team, Jan Stockel}\end{quote}}
\caption{SUMTRAIC 2009 minussignGroup
of participants during the introductory lecture and later
on analysing data at the PC room}
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\subsection{Session links}\sessionlinks