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%pdflatex "\def\GWinclMovie{1}\input{present.tex}" to include movies
%or this:
%pdflatex "\def\GWinclMovie{0}\input{present.tex}" to exclude movies

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\def\GWslide{\slide{Training courses - pandemic set-up}{
\item Tokamak operator at the Golem tokamak
\item Local student's tutors at their home/labs/offices.
\item Students at their homes.
\item + up to 3 czech PhD students (familier with the GOLEM tokamak) ready to guide or assist with everything concerning tokamak GOLEM physics/technology/diagnostics/operation.
\item Students in a certain number of groups each having its own videoconference room and tokamak controll room.

\def\GWslideZMB{\slide{Training courses - pandemic set-up}{
\begin{block}{Everything simplified}
... for educational purposes ..