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%PRIDAT oblast pro pripadne otazky
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%Do budoucnosti physical properties ..

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    \frametitle{Table of Contents}

    \frametitle{Table of Contents}


\title{Introduction to the tokamak operation \\ (GOLEM specific) - Level 1}
\author{Vojt\v{e}ch Svoboda \\ on behalf of the tokamak GOLEM team
\\for the BUTE University, Hungary
%\\ PurposeToBeIncluded

%\date{2020-11-02 \today}



 \item Everything via \url{}
 \item This presentation
  \item Control rooms 
  \item Contact: Vojtech Svoboda, +420 737673903,
  \item Chat: or skype: tokamak.golem

\section{Fusion energy on the Earth}

\section{The Tokamak (GOLEM) }
\subsection{The GOLEM tokamak  concept}
\subsection{The scenario to make the (GOLEM) tokamak  discharge}\GWis{Tokamak/Plasma/ScenarioToDischarge/Basic}
\subsection{The scenario to discharge virtually}\GWis{Tokamak/Plasma/VirtualModelScenarioToDischarge}
\subsection{The GOLEM tokamak basic diagnostics}

\subsection{The GOLEM tokamak - guide tour}\GWis{Tokamak/BasicDescription/GOLEMtechnologyTour}

\section{The Tokamak GOLEM (remote) operation }
\subsection{Control room}
%\GWsubsectionColl{Data handling @ the Tokamak GOLEM}{GWio}{Handling/TourDePlace}

\section{The Electron energy confinement time calculation (rough estimation)}
%\GWsectionColl{The Electron energy confinement time calculation}{\visibility}{Education/ExperimentMenu/ElectronEnergyConfinementTime}

\section{Current status .world/.cz}


\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks] \frametitle{References}

