Revision 82dd582045b2ec890b46e78d5419389be4916146 (click the page title to view the current version)


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# Training courses at the tokamak GOLEM - common issues

## Virtual model of the tokamak

* [Basic model]( TOUR/tokamakTour.html)
* [Tour de GOLEM](

## Data processing at the tokamak GOLEM
* Basics:
    - Discharge #ShotNo homepage:, [0 is for last shot](
    - All data for #ShotNo discharge:, [e.g. last shot](
* [GOLEM like Data acquisition examples](
* [Pygolem toolkit](    
* [Various how to's to the matlab, python, idl, excel, etc.]( [Basic examples](
* **Try our simple web interface   [[link]]( 
It allows plotting and data downloading  [[examples]](**
* Other examples (mathematica, octave, ) can be accessed at [SW depot](
* [All numerical receipts for data analysis are in this very code "", available at each shot](

## Golem tours (a bit outdated)
* [Golem tour](/Education/DocumentationCollection/GolemTour/present.pdf)
* [Golem data processing](/Education/DocumentationCollection/DataProcessing/present.pdf)
* [Golem diagnostics](/Education/DocumentationCollection/Diagnostics/present.pdf)
* [GOLEM experimental setup](/Education/DocumentationCollection/ExpSetup/present.pdf)
* [GOLEM - physical quantities](/Education/DocumentationCollection/PhysQuantities/present.pdf)

## Connectivity
Note: since it is not sometimes very easy to understand audio transferred via net and we do not want to guess what is going on while operating tokamak, we prefer to communicate via video channel (skype, gmail hangouts or videoconferencing) combined with chat (IRC or gmail). Thank you for your understanding.

* chat (prefered): IRC protocol on the server network in the #golem channel. You can use the web interface from tokamak GOLEM www control room  or you can use [direct link](irc:// for access in your favorite [IRC client](, e.g. konversation.
* chat (alternative):
* videoconference:
* skype: tokamak.golem