
Log book

Shot No: Description Motivation
9426 New shot homepage layout. Plasma life time units changed from \(ms\) to \(s\).
11424 E_t reversed. i.e. E_t is parallel to B_t (Dust propagation studies)
11435 E_t reversed. i.e. E_t is antiparallel to B_t (Back to normal operation)
11901 New (GaVo) 300V pover supply for preionization replaced Phywe PS
11901 Upper preiozation gun connected to the tokamak control system
12271 Standard CASTOR (5.94 mH) inductance changed to FJFI_Ces (12.28 mH) inductance in the CD circuit MHD studies DanHer & ToMa
12371 Standard CASTOR inductance back into CD circuit