Basic Diagnostics

[Template source] [Log]

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    Basic parameters: (compare)

  • Gas pressure pch:0.80->18.14 mPa (request: 20 mPa) WIKI
  • Working gas: N/A
  • Preionization: ON
  • Chamber temperature: N/A C
  • CBt capacitors changed to: 400 V, triggered 5.0 ms WIKI
  • CBD capacitors changed to: 0 V, triggered 5.0 ms WIKI
  • CCD capacitors changed to: 600 V, triggered 5.5 ms WIKI
  • CST capacitors changed to: 0 V, triggered 5.0 ms WIKI
  • Probability of breakdown: 88% WIKI
  • Time since session beginning: 5:27:26 h

    Plasma parameters:


Basic discharge parameters:

Accessible data: [data_configuration.cfg] [] - (more details, all data)


File name



chamber_current(txt,xls,img,...) Ich Current [A] Current through chamber
input_power(txt,xls,img,...) OhmicHeatingPower Power [W] Ohmic heating power
input_power_total(txt,xls,img,...) PowerTotal Power [W] Total ohmic heating power
loop_voltage(txt,xls,img,...) Uloop Voltage [V] Loop voltage
photodiode(txt,xls,img,...) Photod Intensity [a.u.] Light intensity measured by photodiode
photodiode_alpha(txt,xls,img,...) PhotodHalpha Intensity [a.u.] Light intensity measured by photodiode with H-alpha filter
plasma (1 ) Plasma binary Breakdown was successful if True
plasma_current(txt,xls,img,...) Iplasma Current [A] Plasma current
plasma_end (0.0143 s) PlasmaEnd Time [s] Time of plasma lifespan end
plasma_life (0.0071 s) PlasmaTimeLength Time [s] Time of plasma lifespan
plasma_start (0.00721 s) PlasmaStart Time [s] Time of plasma lifespan beginning
rogowski_current(txt,xls,img,...) Irogowski Current [A] Current measured by Rogowski coil
toroidal_field(txt,xls,img,...) Btoroidal Magnetic flux density [T] Toroidal magnetic field
wwwcomment (txt) wwwcomment str Discharge pre-comment

