
Note: This is Linux command line usage. Windows users: expressions like u (\$0*5):2 should be in the form u ($0*5):2 .

1014 ECR assited breakdown

Rigol DAS: time axis solution

Single plot (example)

Time specific action is indicated here: ($0*5) should reflect actual Rigol time resolution set-up. \$0 indicates the line number in the Rigol DAS file.

ShotNo=30250;echo "set ytics nomirror;plot '<  wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/0/DAS/0417RigolDS1074d.ON/data_all' u (\$0*5):2 w l lc 1 title 'data1@$ShotNo'" | gnuplot -persist

Tektronix MSO58 DAS

Single plot

ShotNo=28352;echo "set ytics nomirror;plot '<  wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/$ShotNo/DAS/0918TektronixMSO58.ON/data1' w l lc 1 title 'data1@$ShotNo', '< wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/shots/$ShotNo/DAS/0918TektronixMSO58.ON/data2'  w l lc 2 title 'data2@$ShotNo'" | gnuplot -persist


ShotNo=28414;echo "set bmargin 0;set tmargin 0;set lmargin 10;set rmargin 3;unset xtics;unset xlabel;set multiplot layout 8, 1 title 'GOLEM Shot';set xrange [*:*];set yrange [*:*];set style data dots;set ylabel 'Ul';unset ytics;plot '/golem/database/operation/shots/$ShotNo/DAS/0918TektronixMSO58.ON/data1'  t '' w l lc 1 ;set bmargin 0;set tmargin 0;unset title;set ylabel 'NaI(Tl)';plot '/golem/database/operation/shots/$ShotNo/DAS/0918TektronixMSO58.ON/data2'  w l lc 2 title '';set ylabel 'YAP';plot '/golem/database/operation/shots/$ShotNo/DAS/0918TektronixMSO58.ON/data3'  w l lc 3 title '';;set ylabel 'Irad';plot '/golem/database/operation/shots/$ShotNo/DAS/0918TektronixMSO58.ON/data4'  w l lc 4 title '';set ylabel 'Halfa';plot '/golem/database/operation/shots/$ShotNo/DAS/0918TektronixMSO58.ON/data5'  w l lc 5 title '';set ylabel 'DRP:Isat';plot '/golem/database/operation/shots/$ShotNo/DAS/0918TektronixMSO58.ON/data6'  w l lc 6 title '';set xtics;set xlabel 't [ms]';set ylabel 'DRP:Ufl';plot '/golem/database/operation/shots/$ShotNo/DAS/0918TektronixMSO58.ON/data7'  u ("'$0/25000'"):1 w l lc 7 title ''" | gnuplot --persist

Tektronix DPO3014 DAS

ShotNo=24417;echo "set ytics nomirror;plot '<  wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/utils/data/$ShotNo/tektronix3014' u 1:(\$2/23) w l lc 1 title 'LP@$ShotNo', '< wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/utils/data/$ShotNo/tektronix3014' u (\$1):(\$4/200) w l lc 2 title 'BPP@$ShotNo'" | gnuplot -persist

Papouch DAS

ShotNo=23022;echo "set ytics nomirror;plot '< wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/utils/data/$ShotNo/papouch_st' u 1:9 w l title 'ch9@$ShotNo','< wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/utils/data/$ShotNo/toroidal_field' u 1:(\$2*10) w l title 'ch2@$ShotNo'" | gnuplot -persist

0515 \(I_{PC}\),\(U_{l}\), \(dI_{PC}/dt\)

Skript s derivací

shotno=`wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/currentshot/ShotNo`;shotno=19588;echo "x0=NaN;y0=NaN;set ytics nomirror;set xrange [0:40];set yrange [0:*];set style data dots;set xlabel 'time [ms]';set ylabel 'loop_voltage [V]';set y2label 'I_prim [A]';set y2range [0:*];set y2tics;plot '< wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/utils/data/$shotno/current_cd_coils' u (\$1*1000):2 w l title 'I_prim' axes x1y2,'< wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/cgi-bin/data/$shotno/loop_voltage' u (\$1*1000):2 w l title 'loop_voltage','< wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/utils/data/$shotno/current_cd_coils' u (dx=\$1*1000-x0,x0=\$1*1000,\$1*1000-dx/2):(dy=\$2-y0,y0=\$2,dy/dx) w l title 'dI_prim/dt' axes x1y2"|gnuplot --persist

#0415 Dose integration



SETUP="set yrange [-1:5];set xlabel 'Time [ms]';set ylabel 'y [a.u.]';dt=0.1;x=0;"
BASEW=$SETUP"plot '< wget -q -O - $URLW' u 1:2 w l lw 3 title '$\sin(x)$','< wget -q -O - $URLW' u 1:(x=x+\$2*dt) w l  lw 3 title '$\int \sin (x)$'"
BASEWO=$SETUP"plot '< wget -q -O - $URLWO' u 1:2 w l  lw 3 title '$\sin(x)$','< wget -q -O - $URLWO' u 1:(x=x+\$2*dt) w l  lw 3 title '$\int \sin (x)$'"

echo $BASEW|gnuplot --persist
echo "set terminal epslatex size 15cm,12cm color colortext standalone;set output 'figW.tex';"$BASEW|gnuplot 
pdflatex figW.tex

echo $BASEWO|gnuplot --persist
echo "set terminal epslatex size 15cm,12cm color colortext standalone;set output 'figWO.tex';"$BASEWO|gnuplot 
pdflatex figWO.tex


plot="set bmargin 0;set tmargin 1;set lmargin 10;set rmargin 3;unset xtics;unset xlabel;set multiplot layout 5, 1 title 'GOLEM Shot \#$ShotNo';set xrange [12.5:21.5];set yrange [*:*];set style data dots"

plot="$plot;set format y '%.0f';set ytics 5;set key at $XKEY, 29;set ylabel '\$U_l\$ [V]' offset -2;set yrange [0.:13];plot '< wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/utils/data/$ShotNo/loop_voltage' u (\$1*1000):(\$2) w l lw 4 lc rgb '#0000aa' title ''; unset title;set tmargin 0;"
plot="$plot;set format y '%.1f';set yrange [-0.01:0.4];set key at $XKEY, 0.3;set ytics 0.1;set ylabel '\$B_t\$ [T]' offset 0;plot '< wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/utils/data/$ShotNo/toroidal_field' u (\$1*1000):(\$2) w l lw 4 lc rgb '#0000aa' title '';"
plot="$plot;set format y '%.1f';set yrange [-0.1:1.5];set key at $XKEY, 4.1;set ytics 0.4;set ylabel '\$I_p\$ [kA]' offset -1;plot '< wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/utils/data/$ShotNo/plasma_current' u (\$1*1000):(\$2/1000) w l lw 4 lc rgb '#0000aa' title '';"
plot="$plot;set xtics;set xlabel 't [ms]';"
plot="$plot;set format y '%.2f';set yrange [-0.006:0.4];set key at $XKEY, 0.205;set format x '%.0f';set ytics 0.1;set ylabel '\$I_{rad}\$ [a.u.]' offset 0;plot '< wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/utils/data/$ShotNo/photodiode_alpha' u (\$1*1000):(\$2) w l lw 4 lc rgb '#00aa88' title '','< wget -q -O - http://golem.fjfi.cvut.cz/utils/data/$ShotNo/photodiode' u (\$1*1000):(\$2) w l lw 4 lc rgb '#0000aa' title '',;"

echo $plot | gnuplot --persist
echo "set terminal epslatex size 15cm,12cm color colortext standalone;set output 'fig.tex';"$plot|gnuplot ;pdflatex fig.tex
convert -density 300 fig.pdf fig.jpg

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