Data Processing (GOLEM like)

Simple web interface

Try our simple web interface [link]. It allows plotting and data downloading [examples]


To download the whole discharge directory, it is possible to use

To download only one diagnostic use

List of all available signals Data. More details about web interface are here

PyGolem - python, matlab interface

See more details in Pygolem section. PyGolem supports python/matlab/html access.

Matlab - standalone

Matlab - golem_data.m

A script for matlab that uses web interface to download data [link] . A simple example of use:

Download script on a linux computer

Simple example:
Plot one signal:

LIst of all diagnostic:

Advanced example:

Plot signals with labels and errorbars:

Python - standalone

Python -

A script for python that uses web interface to download data [link]. A simple example of use:

Download script on a linux computer

Simple example:
Plot one signal:

LIst of all diagnostic:

Plot evolution over a group of shots:

Advanced example:

Plot signals with labels and errorbars:

More tools: - script for fast downloading of raw data without calling pygolem web interface

data_mining - Script for fast local loading of scalar values from pygolem database.

Gnuplot - standalone

set macros;
ShotNo = "22471";
baseURL = "";
identifier = "loop_voltage";
#Create a path to data
DataURL= "@baseURL@ShotNo/@identifier";
#Write data from GOLEM server to a local file
!wget -q  @DataURL;
#Plot the graph from a local file
set datafile separator "\t";
plotstyle = "with lines linestyle -1"
plot 'loop_voltage' using 1:2 @plotstyle;

Gnuplot and wget - from bash


There is no official support of IDL, recommended software is Matlab, Python


Excel is not recommended, only tolerated. You can download Excel data from:<shot number>/<identifier>.xls

but be patient, it can take long.


Have you found any problem? Do you have some suggestion? . Thank you in advance. V. Sv.