
% /GW/Presentations/GlobalOverviews/Training
% POZOR! Turin 18 neslo vubec stahnout. Hlasilo network error. Nevim, jestli pomuze zmensit a pro download vypustit blbosti jako starter a below line sekci.
% POZOR, Default k jejich stahovani MUSI byt bez videi (ted NENI)


    \frametitle{Table of Contents}

    \frametitle{Table of Contents}


\title{Introduction to the tokamak operation \\ (GOLEM specific) - Level 1}
\author{Vojt\v{e}ch Svoboda \\ on behalf of the tokamak GOLEM team
\\ for {\bf GOMTRAIC} training session}





% Bud
%\IOslide{Session coordinates}{GWio}{
%\begin{block}{Web address:}\end{block}
% Anebo


\GWsectionColl{Data handling @ the Tokamak GOLEM}{GWio}{Handling/TourDePlace}

%\GWsectionColl{The Electron energy confinement time calculation}{GWtrue}{Education/ExperimentMenu/1stLevelBasic/ElectronEnergyConfinementTime}



 \item Everything via \url{}
 \item This presentation
  \item Control rooms 
  \item Contact: Vojtech Svoboda, +420 737673903,
  \item Chat: or skype: tokamak.golem




\begin{frame}[allowframebreaks] \frametitle{References}

%PRIDAT oblast pro pripadne otazky
% Treba Turin: proc voltage drop, nahradni schema tokamaku %Asi zaremovat pro download, viz vyse
%\GWColl{FAQs}{GWtrue}{TrainingCourses/Production/FAQs}%ZAREMOVANO, viz vyse

%\slide{Just for the case ...}{\blok{Few moments }{from the tokamak GOLEM history}}
%\GWColl{Ender}{GWtrue}{Education/GMpresConJoints/Closings/JustForTheCaseGMhistory}%ZAREMOVANO, viz vyse
%Ma to jeste sve velke mezery .... jukni na to a predelej atraktivneji

%\slide{Physical Quantities @ the tokamak GOLEM}
