
Tokamak GOLEM for the Torino Politecnico, Italy on Torino

Useful materials

Control rooms

Suggested default videoconferencing tool Feel free to use your favourite one.

3 “tutors” available during the session:

  • Catherine available preferably for the measurement of the electron temperature together with focus on measurement procedure and uncertainty assessment.
  • Andrew available preferably for the task to get the maximum plasma current I_p and see how it influences the shot duration, also proposing an explanation.
  • Peter available preferably for the task to get the maximum electron Temperature T_e varying Toroidal magnetic field and Current drive and see how these influence the shot duration, also proposing an explanation.


  • GOLEM operator available here
  • Golem tokamak live view here

Energy confinement calculations:

Session archive



Link to this very page:

Directory structure of this very page (other relevant materials).

Production issues

  • Communication (preferably via chat): skype name: tokamak.golem; gmail:; videoconference:

  • In case of any real-time troubles (tokamak is not a blackboard and chalk), plan “B” page (archive of previous remote sessions) for off-line usage


We appreciate your comments, suggestions to the system and its functionality. Send us an e-mail